Ever Lasting Love



Are you feeling frustrated that you seem to never hold down a solid relationship for very long.


Relationships need to be able to flow and grow without being pushed towards an immediate result of “commitment”.


Like any living thing, relationships need time to grow and evolve. Pushing for immediate commitment can add unnecessary pressure and may hinder the natural progression of a connection.


Allowing a relationship to unfold organically provides the opportunity to truly understand each other. It allows for the discovery of shared values, interests, and goals without the rush to commitment.


Trust is a fundamental component of a strong relationship. Allowing things to unfold at their own pace builds trust organically. It shows that both partners are comfortable and secure in the relationship's progression.


A relationship is not just about the connection between two people but also about the growth of each individual. Allowing time for personal development within the relationship enriches the connection and contributes to long-term stability.


Relationships are a journey, and sometimes the beauty lies in the process, not just the destination. Enjoying each phase of the relationship, whether it's the excitement of getting to know each other or the deepening of emotional bonds, adds richness to the connection.


Commitment is a significant step that ideally comes when both partners are ready and willing. Allowing the relationship to unfold naturally allows both individuals to reach a mutual agreement on the level of commitment that feels right for them.


Remember, each relationship is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all timeline for commitment. How do you feel about the idea of letting a relationship develop naturally without immediate pressure for commitment?


Love stages


In love, there are several stages. By only considering what you see in the beginning when the dopamine (happy hormone) is high, you’re missing out on finding out who that person truly is.


Let's explore these stages a bit more:


Infatuation – In the beginning, the "honeymoon phase" is often characterized by high levels of dopamine, creating intense feelings of happiness and excitement. It's a stage of infatuation where everything about the other person seems perfect.


Reality Check – As the initial euphoria settles, reality sets in. This is a crucial phase where you start to see the person more realistically, with both their strengths and imperfections. It's an opportunity to discover the true essence of the individual.


Connection – True connection and understanding often happens as the relationship progresses. It involves navigating challenges, communicating effectively, and learning to appreciate each other's unique qualities. This stage is essential for building a strong foundation.


Commitment – Commitment deepens over time as both partners invest in the relationship. This involves shared experiences, overcoming obstacles together, and making joint decisions about the future.


Compatibility – Sustainable love is about long-term compatibility, mutual respect, and ongoing efforts to nurture the relationship. It's accepting each other for who you are and growing together.


So by recognizing and embracing each stage, you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your partner and the relationship. It's not just about the initial rush of emotions but about building a connection that can withstand the test of time. How do these stages resonate with your own experiences or perceptions of love?




Take the time to share experiences and spend time together, so you can see whether or not the person is right for you.


When you engage in activities together, you see each other in various situations, providing a more authentic view of who the person is beyond initial impressions.


By spending time together fosters meaningful conversations, allowing you to discuss your values, goals, and any potential challenges you might face in the relationship.


When you are participating in shared activities, you can assess your compatibility. This involves discovering common interests, values, and lifestyle preferences that are crucial for a successful and lasting relationship.


Shared experiences provide opportunities to observe how your partner reacts to different situations, offering insights into their character, emotional resilience, and problem-solving skills.


Creating shared memories strengthens the emotional bond in a relationship. These shared experiences become a foundation for a connection that goes beyond the surface level.


Spending time together should be enjoyable and bring a sense of joy to the relationship. Having fun and sharing positive experiences contribute to a healthy and happy connection.


In essence, the suggestion is to actively participate in shared activities, creating opportunities for connection, understanding, and the building of a strong foundation for the relationship. How do you typically approach spending time with someone you're interested in romantically?


When you stop trying to ‘force’ your way into a relationship, the right one will come along. And when they do, just sit back and enjoy the attention.



Building a Relationship


It can be disheartening when relationships don't seem to stick around for long. Let's explore some possible reasons and strategies for building more enduring connections:


  • Take some time to reflect on common patterns in your past relationships. Are there recurring themes or challenges? Identifying these patterns can offer insights into areas that may need attention or growth.


  • Open and honest communication is crucial for any relationship. Ensure that you are expressing your needs, actively listening to your partner, and addressing concerns together. Effective communication fosters understanding and strengthens the foundation of a relationship.


  • Assess whether there is compatibility in terms of values, goals, and lifestyle. Shared fundamental beliefs contribute to a more stable and lasting connection. It's essential to find someone whose aspirations align with yours.


  • Explore your own needs, values, and aspirations. Sometimes, a deeper understanding of yourself can guide you towards more compatible relationships. Knowing what you truly want and need is a powerful tool in building lasting connections.


  • Personal growth contributes to healthier relationships. Take the time to work on aspects of yourself that you believe could enhance your relationships. This could involve developing new skills, nurturing your passions, or addressing personal challenges.


  • Building a solid relationship takes time. It's not uncommon for things to move quickly, but patience is crucial for allowing a connection to develop naturally. Rushing into things might not provide the space needed for a stable foundation.


Remember, it's okay to feel frustrated, and seeking guidance from friends, family, or even a therapist can provide additional support. How do these reflections resonate with your experiences, and is there a specific aspect you'd like to delve into further?




Do you think you could step back and let love come to you, without having a preconceived image of who your lover should be?


Possibilities – By letting go of preconceived images or expectations, you open yourself up to a broader range of possibilities. Love might come in unexpected forms or from individuals you might not have initially considered.


Open Mind – Approaching love with an open mind allows you to form authentic connections. It enables you to see people for who they truly are, rather than filtering them through predetermined criteria.


Pressure – Having a rigid image of your ideal partner can create unnecessary pressure, both for yourself and potential partners. Letting love come naturally reduces the stress associated with fitting into specific molds.


Embracing Diversity – Love is diverse, and people are unique. When you release preconceptions, you embrace the diversity of human connections. This enriches your experiences and allows for a more genuine and fulfilling connection.


Personal Growth – Allowing love to unfold naturally provides opportunities for personal growth. It encourages self-discovery and a deeper understanding of what truly matters to you in a relationship.


Synchronicity – Sometimes, the most meaningful connections happen when you're not actively seeking them. Allowing love to come to you embraces the concept of synchronicity, where things fall into place at the right time and in the right way.


The Journey –
The journey of falling in love becomes more enjoyable when it's free from rigid expectations. It allows you to savour each moment, appreciate the uniqueness of the connection, and build a relationship based on genuine emotions.


Remember, love is a journey, not a destination. By approaching it with an open heart and mind, you create space for beautiful and unexpected connections to blossom. How do you feel about adopting a more open and flexible perspective on love?


The Past


Sometimes, patterns from our past relationships or childhood experiences can influence the choices we make in our current relationships.


Let's explore this a bit further:


Often, patterns established in past relationships or childhood experiences can operate on a subconscious level. These patterns may involve the way we communicate, the type of dynamics we're comfortable with, or even the expectations we have.


Human beings are creatures of habit, and there's a natural inclination to gravitate towards what feels familiar and comfortable. This can lead us to unconsciously replicate certain relationship patterns, whether they were healthy or not, because they feel familiar.


Attachment styles developed in childhood, influenced by relationships with caregivers, can significantly impact adult relationships. For example, someone with a secure attachment style may find it easier to trust and form healthy connections, while those with insecure attachment styles may struggle with intimacy or have a fear of abandonment.


Sometimes, people unconsciously seek to recreate past scenarios in an attempt to heal unresolved issues. On the flip side, others may unintentionally replicate negative patterns, perpetuating cycles of dysfunction.


The key to breaking potentially detrimental patterns is self-awareness. Recognizing and understanding these patterns is the first step toward making conscious choices in relationships. It opens the door to personal growth and the opportunity to create healthier connections.


The way we learned to communicate in our early relationships can influence how we express ourselves in adult relationships. This includes conflict resolution, expressing emotions, and even the level of vulnerability we feel comfortable sharing.


Past experiences can shape the criteria we use when selecting partners. If we had positive role models in relationships, we might seek similar qualities. Conversely, if our past experiences were challenging, we may unintentionally choose partners who replicate those challenges.


Reflecting on these aspects can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of our current relationships and pave the way for personal growth. Have you noticed any patterns from your past influencing your current relationship choices?




Maintaining a bit of mystery in a relationship can add a delightful layer of intrigue and anticipation.


By keeping certain aspects of yourself private initially, you create a sense of curiosity. This can sustain your partner's interest and eagerness to learn more about you over time.


Like an engaging story, a relationship benefits from a sense of curiosity and anticipation. When you reveal aspects of yourself gradually, it keeps your partner curious about what's next. This anticipation adds a sense of excitement to the relationship.


The beauty of a relationship lies in the ongoing discovery of each other. By holding back some information initially, you create opportunities for continuous exploration and learning. This process can deepen your connection as you unveil different layers of your personalities over time.


Having a bit of mystery encourages communication. It prompts questions and discussions about various topics, fostering a deeper understanding of each other. It's not about hiding, but rather creating an atmosphere that encourages sharing in a meaningful way.


Relationships are a journey, and revealing layers of yourself gradually allows for a more gradual and profound connection. It's like peeling back the layers of an onion—each layer reveals something new.


Each layer you reveal adds depth to the connection. It's an acknowledgment that there are multifaceted aspects to your personality, experiences, and emotions. As you share more layers, the connection becomes more profound and meaningful.


The gradual peeling of layers is an intimate process. It's about allowing someone to see deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This intimacy is a key element in forming a strong and enduring connection.


Holding back a bit can encourage communication. It prompts your partner to ask questions and fosters meaningful conversations, creating a space for both of you to share your stories and experiences at a comfortable pace.


Maintaining some mystery allows you to preserve a sense of individuality within the relationship. It's a reminder that you are complex, multifaceted, and continually evolving, and it encourages your partner to do the same.


The unknown can be exciting. It adds an element of surprise to the relationship, keeping things fresh and preventing it from becoming predictable or routine.


Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to sharing personal information. Keeping a bit of mystery respects both your boundaries and those of your partner. It allows each person to disclose information at a pace that feels right.


Remember, it's about finding a balance. While maintaining some mystery is valuable, openness and vulnerability also play crucial roles in building trust and intimacy. It's a dance between revealing and preserving, creating a dynamic and evolving connection.


How do you typically approach sharing information and maintaining a sense of mystery in your relationships?










Finding Your Life's Purpose
