Reconcile - Move On

Going Back in Relationships or Unveiling a Different Connection

Going Back in Relationships or Unveiling a Different Connection

Do You Reconcile or Move On

Promises of Change


Do you want to reconcile or move on?

Navigating relationships can be a complex and emotional journey. If you've experienced a long-term relationship filled with deception and have since moved on to a healthier connection, it can be challenging when an ex-partner expresses a desire to reconcile and promises to change.


Before making any decisions in such situations, it's crucial to carefully consider the following factors:


  • Reflect on the reasons why the previous relationship ended. Were the issues primarily due to lies and deceit? Consider whether those problems were ever really addressed.


  • Assess whether your ex has demonstrated genuine personal growth. People can change, but it's essential to see concrete actions and consistent behaviour over time rather than just promises.


  • Open and honest communication is crucial. Have a conversation with your ex about your concerns, expectations, and the reasons for the breakup. Ensure that there is clarity on both sides regarding what went wrong and what would need to change for the relationship to be successful.


  • Rebuilding trust takes time and effort from both parties. If your ex is serious about changing, they must understand the importance of rebuilding trust and be willing to take the necessary steps to do so.


  • Consider the impact on your current relationship. If you’re currently in a healthy and fulfilling relationship, it's important to weigh the potential risks of disrupting that for the possibility of reconciling with your ex.


  • Take time to reflect on your own feelings and priorities. Consider what you truly want in a relationship and whether reconciling with your ex aligns with your long-term happiness.


  • If the situation becomes overwhelming, seeking the guidance of a relationship counsellor or therapist can provide valuable insights and support. They can help both of you to explore your feelings and make informed decisions.


Trust your instincts, prioritize your well-being, and make decisions that align with your values.


Going Back


You can sing that tune “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone”. The lyrics are from the song "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell.


It’s a sentiment that we often fail to appreciate or understand the value of something until it's no longer present in our lives. The metaphor of "paving paradise and putting up a parking lot" speaks to the loss of something beautiful and irreplaceable. The song serves as a reminder to cherish what we have before it's too late. In the case of your ex, this song may resonate with them.


You've been through a challenging journey in your relationship, grappling with a growing awareness of dishonesty and an underlying sense that things weren't quite right.


Enduring a relationship marked by lies can be emotionally exhausting. Over time, the accumulation of deception may lead to a significant shift in your emotional energy.


It’s quite evident that your energy has been shifting indicates a changing emotional landscape. This shift may involve a gradual re-evaluation of a realization that the relationship dynamics are no longer sustainable. Changes in energy often precede major decisions or turning points.


You may be sitting on the fence which means you are in a state of indecision or uncertainty. You may have found yourself torn between the desire to believe in the relationship and a growing awareness that something wasn't right. It can be emotionally draining as you navigate conflicting emotions.


Now that you have approached a catalyst for decisive action, prompting a reassessment of the relationship and a recognition that continuing in the same manner is no longer viable.


By moving on you have also sensed that something wasn't right indicates a heightened level of intuition and self-awareness. Trusting your instincts and recognizing underlying issues are crucial steps in understanding the dynamics of the relationship and making informed decisions about its future.


Tolerating lies can create emotional turmoil. It's common to experience a range of emotions, including doubt, sadness, frustration, and perhaps even a sense of liberation as you come to terms with the need for change.


Navigating such complexities requires self-reflection and open communication. Recognizing the need for a shift in your relationship dynamics is a courageous step toward emotional well-being and personal growth.


Do you believe your ex will change for the better?


The potential for someone to change for the better is a complex and individual matter. People can undergo personal growth and positive transformations, but it often depends on various factors, including their self-awareness, willingness to change, and the specific behaviours or issues in question.


If you're contemplating the possibility of your ex changing for the better, consider factors such as their commitment to address specific issues, and any observable changes in behaviour. However, it's important to approach this with realistic expectations, as genuine change often requires time, consistent effort, and a sincere desire to improve.


The decision to believe in someone's capacity for change is a personal one, and it's crucial to prioritize your well-being and set healthy boundaries.


Time and Space


Time and space can be beneficial for a relationship to gain clarity, reflect on their needs and desires, and potentially strengthen the connection. Here are some points to consider:


  • Taking a break from a relationship can provide individuals with the opportunity to gain clarity about their own needs, priorities, and feelings. The distance can create a conducive environment for introspection, helping each person to understand their own wants and expectations.


  • During a period of separation, you both may have the chance to rediscover yourselves independently of the relationship. This can lead to personal growth, allowing both partners to bring newfound perspectives and strengths back into the relationship.


  • If the love between two individuals is deep and enduring, external factors or challenges may not be insurmountable. If two people are meant to be together, they will eventually end up together as it’d destiny or a higher plan.


  • Timing is a critical factor in relationships. Sometimes, individuals may need time apart to align their life paths, goals, or personal development stages. Reconnecting at a more opportune moment can lead to a stronger, more harmonious relationship.


Taking time and space holds both advantages and potential drawbacks. While it offers the benefit of personal growth and self-discovery, it also carries the risks of drifting apart or forging separate paths. Striking a harmonious balance between individual development and sustaining a meaningful connection becomes crucial. This equilibrium ensures that personal growth enhances the relationship rather than jeopardizing it, emphasizing the need for careful consideration, open communication, and mutual commitment.


Love will find a way if it's meant to be.


The Other One


Given that the universe has introduced a new partner into your life, this appears to be an opportune moment to consider your options. Returning immediately to your ex could potentially lead to them becoming comfortable once more, and there's a risk of them reverting to old behaviours and habits. Embracing the arrival of a new partner allows you to explore fresh possibilities and avoid the pitfalls of falling back into familiar patterns.


Constant worry about a partner's faithfulness may inadvertently project negative energy into the universe, potentially attracting external partners. It's essential to recognize that people need time to undergo personal changes and work on their own lives. Patience is crucial in allowing individuals the space and time required for personal growth and transformation.




Allocate some time for self-reflection to gain clarity on the direction you want to pursue. At the moment, you may find yourself in a state of indecision, contemplating whether to revisit the past or forge ahead into new territory. It's crucial not to make any rash decisions.


Time for self-reflection is an essential step. This involves creating a space for introspection, allowing you to understand your own feelings, desires, and priorities without external influences.


The aim is to gain clarity on the path you want to take. This could involve considering your goals, values, and aspirations, both in the context of your personal life and relationships.


When "sitting on the fence" it shows your indecision. You might be torn between the option of revisiting a previous situation and moving forward into new and uncharted territory.


Make sure you are 100% certain before making any decisions. This cautious approach is intended to prevent impulsive actions that may not align with your true intentions or desires.


It gives you time before "calling it a day”. It’s a realization that a particular chapter or aspect of your life has come to an end. It suggests a closure or conclusion, reinforcing the idea of moving on.


Having endured a relationship of betrayal, it's understandable that you may be grappling with trust issues. Moving forward, there will be a need to actively work on rebuilding trust within yourself and in your future relationships. This process may involve self-reflection, open communication, and a commitment to healing from the emotional toll of betrayal.


It's not imperative to immediately dive into another relationship, as doing so might carry over similar energies from the past. Taking the time for healing is important in this scenario. However, feel free to engage in enjoyable experiences and explore connections with others. This period of exploration can provide valuable insights, allowing you to rediscover yourself and potentially lay the foundation for healthier relationships in the future.


Are you ready to take some time and be independent?




Committing your emotions to a relationship marked by ongoing deceit can create a burden on your heart, evoking a myriad of conflicting feelings and thoughts. Moments of uncertainty may arise, prompting questions about your decisions, as the mind is prone to subtle manipulations. It's crucial not to be swayed by the tricks your mind may play, and instead, stay true to your intuition.


Navigating a period of uncertainty regarding whether to rekindle a past relationship or move forward presents an introspective journey. The conflicting feelings you're experiencing might stem from weighing the desire to reconnect with the familiarity of the past against the potential for new experiences in the future.


In contemplating whether to go back or move ahead, consider various factors. Reflect on the reasons behind the initial decision to part ways and assess if the circumstances that led to the separation have undergone meaningful changes. It's essential to think about your own needs, aspirations, and the kind of relationship that aligns with your current life desires.


You Have the Power


The ball is in your court – you have the power to shape your reality. This is a period of self-determination, where you have the power to choose the direction that aligns best with your well-being and long-term happiness.


Having an honest conversation with yourself and, if need be, with those involved in the situation can contribute to a clearer understanding of your desires and priorities.


Remember, this is a transformative moment, and the decision you make will shape your life. It's a chance to align your choices with your authentic self. Take the time you need to navigate these confusing times and make decisions that resonate with your values and aspirations.


Instead of immediately entering into a new relationship, consider taking some time for yourself. This "me time" allows for personal reflection, self-discovery, and the opportunity to focus on your own well-being before embarking on a new romantic journey.


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