Third Party Relationships

Navigating Trust in Third Party Relationships: Overcoming Excuses and Finding Your Worth

Confused About Your Third Party Relationship

 Are you feeling confused about your third party relationship with your lover, who is still married? They claim their spouse is just a friend, but you see pictures on social media where they’re hugging. Part of you wants to move on because you are unhappy with what you see, even though your lover insists it’s only for business purposes. Additionally, they never share pictures of the two of you.


When your married partner publicly showcases a loving and affectionate relationship with their spouse, it can trigger doubts about their sincerity and honesty in your own relationship. Essentially, their public display of affection raises questions about the authenticity of their actions and words. If they’re capable of projecting a false image to the world, it suggests a willingness to deceive others, which may extend to their interactions with you.


This situation can lead to concerns about whether their expressions of love towards you are genuine or merely a part of a larger pattern of deception. It's natural to wonder if their public persona is just a facade meant to maintain appearances, especially if they’re not transparent about their relationship with you. This discrepancy between their public image and private behaviour can erode trust and create uncertainty about the sincerity of your connection.


The issue goes beyond just the public display of affection and speaks to the broader issue of trust and honesty in your relationship. It prompts reflection on whether their actions align with their words and whether you can truly rely on them to be truthful and authentic in your interactions.


Social Circle


In this scenario, your partner's social circle presents them as being in a loving and committed relationship with their spouse. If you were to enter the picture, you might be portrayed as the outsider or the one disrupting their marriage. This perception could label you as the one responsible for any disruption or turmoil in their relationship, casting you in a negative light within their social group.


Being seen as the "marriage breaker" can be emotionally challenging and can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or isolation. It may also affect your self-esteem and confidence in the relationship. Additionally, this social dynamic can put pressure on you to either conform to the expectations of your partner's social circle or to navigate the situation with sensitivity and integrity.


Ultimately, navigating these social dynamics requires open communication, honesty, and a clear understanding of your own values and boundaries.


Hidden Away


Your partner's behaviour of presenting themselves as part of a happy couple while keeping you hidden on the sidelines reflects a lack of authenticity and transparency in the relationship. Instead of openly acknowledging and embracing your connection, they choose to maintain appearances that may not align with the reality of your relationship.


Feeling proud to be with someone includes openly acknowledging and celebrating your partnership. It involves sharing moments together, introducing each other to friends and family, and being visible in each other's lives. However, when your partner fails to do this and keeps you hidden away, it sends a message that they are not fully committed to you or the relationship.


Being seen as your partner's significant other is crucial for your emotional well-being and the health of the relationship. It validates your role in each other's lives and affirms the bond you share. However, when your partner fails to acknowledge you in this way, it can lead to feelings of insecurity, doubt, and resentment.


Where do you fit into the picture in this third-wheel web of lies?


Lame Excuses


The rising divorce rates in contemporary society have indeed become a common occurrence, often met with a sense of resignation rather than surprise. In the context of your situation, your partner's excuse that their affectionate pictures with their spouse are solely for public consumption may seem inadequate and unconvincing.


In an era where social media often serves as a curated showcase of people's lives, it's understandable to question the authenticity behind such displays. While public perception may play a role in shaping how couples present themselves online, it's essential to consider whether this explanation truly reflects the dynamics of your partner's relationship.


Dismissively labelling their excuse as "lame" suggests a deeper dissatisfaction and scepticism about their honesty and commitment. It's important to address these concerns openly and honestly with your partner, seeking clarity and understanding about the nature of their relationship and their intentions towards you.


Ultimately, the validity of their excuse hinges on the sincerity they demonstrate in their actions and words within your relationship. Don't hesitate to advocate for your own emotional well-being and seek the honesty and respect you deserve in your interactions with them.


Level Of Trust


It seems evident that there's been a level of trust placed in what your partner has been communicating to you. However, the inconsistency between their words and actions serves as a clear indication that something may be amiss. When someone says one thing but consistently behaves in a contradictory manner, it's a cause for concern and a signal to pay attention to potential red flags.


In this case, your partner's actions, such as displaying affectionate pictures with their spouse on social media while claiming they're only for public consumption, raise doubts about their honesty and sincerity. These discrepancies should prompt you to raise the alarm bells and reassess the trustworthiness of your partner's words and intentions.


Trusting someone is essential in any relationship, but it's equally crucial to remain vigilant and attentive to any inconsistencies or warning signs that may indicate a breach of trust. By acknowledging these cues and addressing them openly with your partner, you can better navigate the complexities of the relationship and ensure that your needs and boundaries are respected.


No Dream


Your affair with this person has not put you in the limelight as they’re special love. You may be holding on to a dream in believing that you have some fairy tale future with this person when they have no long-term intentions with you.


Your involvement with this person hasn't elevated you to the same status as their primary partner. Despite your hopes for a fairy tale future together, their actions suggest they don't have long-term intentions with you. Holding onto this dream may only prolong your disappointment and prevent you from seeking a relationship where you are truly valued and respected.


It's important to acknowledge the reality of the situation and reassess your expectations. Continuing to invest in a relationship where you're not given the recognition or commitment you deserve will likely lead to further heartache. Instead, consider focusing your energy on finding someone who genuinely appreciates you.


Facing the truth can be difficult, but it's essential for your emotional well-being and personal growth. By letting go of unrealistic expectations and valuing yourself enough to seek a fulfilling relationship, you can move towards a brighter and more satisfying future.


Face To Face


This is an opportunity for a direct face-to-face conversation with your partner. It's time to address the current state of your relationship head-on. You both need to decide whether to move forward together or officially end things.


At the moment, you're both stuck in limbo, unable to progress. This stagnant energy is not conducive to a healthy relationship or personal growth.


Whether you choose to reconcile and work through your issues or part ways amicably, it's crucial to take decisive action. Avoiding difficult conversations will only prolong the uncertainty and prevent both of you from finding closure and moving forward with your lives.


So, gather your courage, express your thoughts and feelings, and be prepared to listen to your partner's perspective. This is your chance to take control of your destiny and create a path that aligns with your values and aspirations.


It's important to approach this situation with self-respect, acknowledging your own needs and desires. Take the time to reflect on what you truly want and need from a relationship. Don't allow yourself to be swayed by smooth-talking or empty promises.


Remember, this is your life, and your time is valuable. Don't waste it clinging to hopes and dreams that may never materialize. Be realistic about the situation and prioritize your own happiness and well-being above all else.


Respect yourself enough to set boundaries and stick to them. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated or taken advantage of. Stay true to your own values and goals, and don't settle for anything less than you deserve.


Ultimately, only you can decide what is best for you. Trust your instincts and make decisions that align with your own happiness and fulfilment.


Move Forward


If your partner isn't prepared to take a significant step forward and fully commit to a genuine, committed relationship with you, then it may be time to call it quits. It's important not to settle for anything less than the level of commitment and respect you deserve.


Continuing to invest time and energy into a relationship where your needs aren't being met or acknowledged is counterproductive. It's essential to have open and honest communication with your partner about your expectations and boundaries, but if they are unwilling or unable to meet them, then it may be best to move on.


Remember, you deserve to be with someone who values and cherishes you, and who is willing to make the necessary commitments to build a fulfilling and lasting partnership. Don't be afraid to walk away from a situation that isn't meeting your needs, and trust that there are better opportunities for love and happiness awaiting you.


The decision to call it quits on a relationship is yours alone to make. it's essential to consider all aspects carefully and ensure that you're making a choice that aligns with your values and goals.


Your Worth


If your partner is primarily focused on building a life with their spouse and not prioritizing your needs and desires, it's a clear sign that you deserve better. You have the power to empower yourself and make choices that align with your self-respect and happiness.


Don't allow yourself to be sidelined or treated as secondary. You deserve to be with someone who values you and who is willing to invest in building a fulfilling and meaningful relationship together. Remember, you have nothing to lose by asserting your worth and seeking the love and respect you deserve. Be empowered to make decisions that honour your well-being and lead you toward a brighter and more fulfilling future.


It's evident that you're being excluded from the picture, and this realization may be taking a toll on your self-esteem. Before it further undermines your sense of self-worth, it's imperative to take control of the situation and initiate a conversation with your partner. You need clarity on whether you are truly a part of their life or not.


Are you prepared to walk away if they’re unwilling to acknowledge you as the love of their life and show you off accordingly? It's a difficult decision, but one that may be necessary for your emotional well-being and happiness. You deserve to be with someone who proudly includes you in their life and recognizes your value and importance. Don't hesitate to assert your worth and take decisive action to ensure that your needs are met in the relationship.


Fear and Uncertainty


Secret Affair