Toxic Ex

Navigating Emotional Crossroads - From Toxic Ex to Closure – Rediscovering Your Worth and Choosing Wisely

Back to the Past

Are you currently in a loving relationship, and yet you find yourself drawn to your controlling, jealous, and narcissistic ex-partner, who treated you poorly and even ghosted you twice. It's important to prioritize your well-being, reflect on the negative experiences with your ex, and focus on the positive aspects of your current relationship.


Alexander Graham Bell wrote a wonderful timeless quote.

“When one door closes another door opens”

Take that quote into account in whatever you do in life. Your past relationship is a great example of these profound words. You have established a new love, but you have not had closure to your past one.


Can you see that you have 2 doors (lovers) open?



The Challenge


In navigating the pull towards your past relationship, it's crucial to recognize the toxic traits exhibited by your ex-partner: control, jealousy, and narcissism. Despite the negative experiences, there seems to be a magnetic attraction that draws you back. However, it's essential to acknowledge the loving and adoring relationship you currently have.


Reflect on the reasons why the previous relationship ended. And considering instances of ghosting and mistreatment. Recognize that these behaviours can be emotionally damaging and detrimental to your overall happiness.


To overcome this conflict, focus on the positive aspects of your current relationship and the love and adoration you receive.


It can be challenging when lingering emotions from a past relationship affect your current one, even when your current partner genuinely adores you. Recognizing and addressing these emotions is essential for the health of your current relationship. Consider taking time for self-reflection to understand the nature of your feelings towards your ex-partner and explore whether they are preventing you from fully embracing and reciprocating the love from your current partner. Open communication with your current partner about these emotions may also help strengthen your bond and create a supportive environment for both of you.


It's a common phenomenon for individuals to attract partners who reflect their own self-perception or past experiences. If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who devalues and puts you down, it may be worth exploring deeper aspects of your self-worth and past traumas. Understanding patterns in your relationships and recognizing any role you play in them can be a crucial step in breaking negative cycles.


If your current partner is supportive and loving, it's essential to appreciate and reciprocate that positive energy. Reflecting on your own self-worth and seeking personal growth can empower you to make healthier relationship choices. If past suffering or trauma is affecting your current relationships, consider seeking the guidance of a therapist or counsellor to work through these issues and build a foundation for healthier connections in the future.


It's important to recognize that any tendency to gravitate back to an abusive partner doesn't necessarily reflect on your character or worth. Abusive individuals can be skilled manipulators, creating a false hope that revisiting the connection will lead to significant positive changes. In such situations, it's crucial to eliminate self-blame and instead focus on understanding the dynamics at play.


Abuse often involves manipulation and control, making it challenging for the victim to break free from the cycle. It's essential to prioritize your well-being and recognize that change is unlikely to occur unless the abusive partner genuinely commits to personal growth and seeks professional help.


When someone has left you multiple times in the past and demonstrates a readiness to repeat such behaviour without hesitation, it signifies a concerning and potentially harmful pattern within the relationship. This recurrent cycle of abandonment can create a whirlwind of emotions, including frustration, insecurity, and uncertainty about the stability of the relationship.


Persisting in a relationship with this kind of pattern may have detrimental effects on your mental well-being. It could hinder your personal growth and contribute to ongoing emotional distress. It's crucial to prioritize your mental health and carefully assess whether staying in the relationship is conducive to your long-term happiness.


Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional is advisable. They can offer insights, provide a different perspective, and assist you in navigating the complexities of the relationship dynamics. Making decisions that prioritize your overall well-being is essential for fostering a healthier and more fulfilling life.


When dealing with someone who has a pattern of abandonment and is prone to blaming you for their emotional and psychological issues, it's important to recognize that their behaviour is not your fault. People with such tendencies may deflect responsibility and manipulate situations to avoid addressing their own issues.


It's crucial to maintain a clear understanding that their actions and blame-shifting are a reflection of their own emotional and psychological struggles. This realization can help you avoid internalizing unwarranted guilt or responsibility for their behaviour.


In such situations, setting boundaries becomes essential to protect your well-being. Remember that taking care of your emotional health is a priority, and you deserve to be in relationships that are supportive and respectful.


Get Help


Engaging with a professional therapist can indeed be instrumental in breaking the emotional chains associated with past relationships and fostering a healthier and happier life. Therapists are trained to provide support, guidance, and tools to help individuals navigate through their past demons and overcome emotional challenges.


In therapy, you may explore and process unresolved issues, gain insights into patterns of behaviour, and develop coping strategies to move forward. Addressing past traumas and understanding their impact can empower you to build healthier relationships and cultivate a more fulfilling life.


It's essential to recognize that seeking professional help is a proactive step toward personal growth and healing. Therapists can offer a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your emotions, work through difficulties, and develop the resilience needed to create positive changes in your life.


Emotional Vibrations


It's intriguing to observe that, on another level, you've attracted someone with a completely different energy, and you, in turn, reflect each other's energy. This dynamic can be a positive and encouraging sign, suggesting that you are drawing diverse energies into your life through your emotional vibrations.


Attracting a partner with a different energy may offer an opportunity for growth, balance, and learning. It indicates that you're open to a variety of experiences and emotional connections, which can contribute to a more dynamic and fulfilling relationship.


Embracing these diverse energies can lead to mutual understanding, shared growth, and a harmonious balance in the relationship. It's a reminder that relationships can be transformative, providing opportunities for both partners to evolve and bring their unique qualities to create a rich and rewarding connection.




You can be satisfied with the love you are receiving right now once make closure with your past and work on your self-worth. The truth will set you free.


  • Crucial Step – This involves acknowledging and accepting the reality of past experiences in a relationship. It may include recognizing any negative patterns, hurtful behaviours, or emotional trauma. This step is crucial for understanding the impact of the past on your emotional well-being.


  • Seeking Closure – Closure involves actively working to resolve lingering emotional attachments or unresolved issues from the past relationship. This might include communication with the ex-partner, but more importantly, it's about finding internal resolution and peace. Closure allows you to move forward without carrying the emotional weight of the past.


  • Self-Worth – Building self-worth involves recognizing and appreciating your own value as an individual. It often includes setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-care, and engaging in activities that contribute positively to your well-being. This process is about fostering a strong sense of self and confidence.


  • Authenticity – As you gain closure and strengthen your self-worth, you approach current relationships with a healthier mindset. The emotional baggage from the past is minimized, allowing you to be fully present and authentic in your interactions. This authenticity enhances the quality of your relationships.


  • Giving and Receiving Love – With closure achieved and a solid sense of self-worth, you are better equipped to give and receive love in a genuine and reciprocal manner. Emotional healing allows you to connect with others without being burdened by past wounds, contributing to more satisfying and fulfilling relationships.


This process involves a journey of self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth. By confronting the truth, seeking closure, and working on self-worth, individuals can transform their relationship with the past and create a foundation for healthier and more authentic connections in the present and future.


Your Worth


Recognizing and affirming your own worth is a crucial aspect of fostering positive well-being and healthy relationships. Reminding yourself that you deserve the best sends a powerful message about self-respect and self-love. This mindset encourages you to set high standards for the way you are treated and the relationships you engage in, promoting a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Embracing the belief that you deserve the best empowers you to make choices that prioritize your happiness, growth, and overall well-being.


For someone who has experienced an abusive relationship, the crisis may have left emotional scars but also provided opportunities for personal development. The process of healing from such an experience can instigate self-discovery, resilience building, and the development of coping mechanisms. It might lead to increased self-awareness, setting healthier boundaries, and fostering a deeper appreciation for one's own well-being.


Individuals who have overcome adversity often find themselves driven to create positive changes in their current lives. This may include pursuing healthier relationships, focusing on personal growth, advocating for others who have faced similar challenges, or even becoming involved in efforts to raise awareness about abusive relationships.


While the journey to healing can be difficult, it can also open doors to newfound strengths and perspectives.


Choose Wisely


The people you choose to spend time with are simply a reflection of who you are, how others see you and how you see yourself.


Your ex-partner doesn't align with the idea of choosing wisely the people you hang out with. This sentiment underscores the importance of evaluating relationships and making intentional choices about who you surround yourself with.


If your ex-partner exhibited behaviours or qualities that were detrimental to your well-being or personal growth, recognizing this misalignment is a crucial step. It reinforces the notion that making thoughtful and discerning choices in your social circle is essential for fostering a positive and supportive environment.


Moving forward, the emphasis on choosing wisely underscores the importance of surrounding yourself with individuals who contribute positively to your life and align with your values, goals, and overall well-being.


The people you spend time with can influence your attitudes, values, and behaviours. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals can contribute to personal growth and a healthier lifestyle.


Aligning yourself with people who share similar values and goals can create a supportive and understanding environment. It fosters a sense of connection and common purpose.


Toxic or negative relationships can drain your energy and contribute to stress. Choosing to spend time with people who bring positivity into your life can help reduce unnecessary stress and conflicts.


If a person is making you feel less than adequate or their energy drains your own, you have a choice to remove yourself from their company. Sometimes it may be painful, awkward, or scary to do so. However, it’s also important to remember that you owe it to yourself.


Adopting a mindset cantered on advancement, welcoming future opportunities, and deliberately opting not to be hindered by past challenges or setbacks. This mindset encourages a dedicated focus on the present and future, fostering a positive and forward-looking perspective.



A Positive Mindset Amidst Deportation


Turmoil to Opportunity