The Ride of Life


Are you winning? Is the finish line in sight? Are you enjoying life? If not, then refocus.


What you do today will impact your future. Whatever your target, remember to enjoy the journey that gets you there. There’s no destination, only a journey because once you perceive you’ve reached your destination, a new journey presents itself. It’s never-ending.


Setting and achieving goals is important but recognising that there's always more to discover and experience adds depth to the journey. It reminds us to appreciate the present and not solely focus on reaching a destination. Embracing the ongoing nature of personal and professional development can foster resilience and a positive outlook on the challenges that arise.


In essence, life is a series of interconnected journeys, and finding joy in the pursuit of goals can contribute significantly to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.


Managing expectations is crucial in navigating life's challenges and pursuing goals. Unrealistically high expectations can indeed set the stage for disappointment, and repeated disappointments might lead to discouragement or a sense of giving up. It's important to strike a balance between setting ambitious goals and being realistic about what can be achieved.


Reflecting on your goals and ensuring they align with your values, passions, and capabilities is a valuable exercise. Sometimes, the initial goals we set may need adjustment based on our evolving understanding of ourselves and our circumstances. This doesn't necessarily mean giving up; rather, it's about refining your path to better suit your aspirations and current situation.


Checking the alignment of your thoughts and feelings is an insightful approach. It involves not only evaluating the external goals you've set but also considering how they resonate with your internal values and desires. This self-awareness can guide you to make more authentic and fulfilling choices, reducing the risk of disappointment and promoting a healthier approach to goal-setting and life's journey.


Adapting to changing circumstances and being open to reassessing your goals can contribute to long-term resilience and satisfaction, even in the face of setbacks.

Make sure you’re:


Aware of your surroundings – Being present and aware of your surroundings is a fundamental aspect of mindfulness. It helps you appreciate the moment and can contribute to a sense of peace and connection with the world around you.


Grateful for your experiences in life – Cultivating gratitude can have numerous psychological and emotional benefits. Reflecting on and appreciating your life experiences, both positive and negative, can lead to a more optimistic outlook.


Accessing answers from within – Trusting your intuition and inner wisdom is essential for making authentic and informed decisions. Taking the time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings can provide valuable insights.


Taking some daily quiet time – Incorporating moments of quiet and reflection into your daily routine can be a powerful way to reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote overall well-being.


Being thankful to everyone and everything – Expressing gratitude not only benefits the recipients but also positively impacts your own mental state. It encourages a mindset of abundance and appreciation for the interconnectedness of life.


Making time to have fun – Balancing work and responsibilities with moments of joy and recreation is vital for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Having fun contributes to overall happiness and reduces the risk of burnout.


Enjoying your journey – Embracing the journey, underscores the importance of finding joy and meaning in the process of achieving goals, rather than solely focusing on the destination.


Not stressing about what doesn’t get done today – Managing stress and avoiding undue pressure is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. Recognising that not everything can be accomplished in a single day allows for a more balanced and realistic approach to productivity.


Incorporating these principles into your daily life can contribute to a more balanced, mindful, and fulfilling existence.




Feelings of excitement will ignite your soul because these feelings help strengthen the bond between your manifesting mind and your Higher Self. When you start ‘feeding’ your soul excitement, it responds by helping you manifest what you desire. You create your reality.


Excitement and Positive Emotions – Positive emotions, such as excitement, joy, and gratitude, are powerful forces that can influence one's mindset and, in turn, impact the events and experiences in their life.


Strengthening the Bond with the Higher Self – "Higher Self" is often described as a wiser, more connected aspect of oneself. Cultivating positive emotions enhance the connection between the conscious mind and this higher aspect of self.


Manifesting Mind – The term "manifesting mind" is often used in the context of the law of attraction, suggesting that your thoughts and emotions can shape your reality. By maintaining a positive and focused mindset, you are more likely to attract positive experiences into your life.


Feeding Your Soul Excitement – "Feeding" your soul with excitement implies actively seeking and engaging in activities or thoughts that bring joy and enthusiasm. This positive energy contributes to the manifestation of desired outcomes.


Creating Your Reality – Individuals play an active role in creating their own reality suggests that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions influence the circumstances we attract and experience.


It's essential to approach these ideas with a balanced perspective. While positive thinking and maintaining a hopeful attitude can have psychological benefits, it's also important to acknowledge the complexity of life and the role of external factors. Additionally, individual experiences with these concepts may vary, and different belief systems may offer alternative explanations for the nature of reality and personal growth.


  • Excitement is one of the most potent ‘forces’ in the universe. It’s crucial to experience the excitement for the little things and the big thin

  • Excitement is associated with positive energy. When you're excited, you're likely to feel a surge of enthusiasm, anticipation, and joy. This positive energy can influence your mindset and, in turn, impact your experiences.

  • Excitement can enhance your focus and engagement. Whether it's for small daily occurrences or significant life events, the heightened emotional state can make the moment more vivid and memorable.

  •  According to the Law of Attraction, maintaining a positive and excited mindset can attract more positive experiences into your life. Your thoughts and emotions radiate a certain energy that resonates with similar energies in the universe.

  •  Cultivating excitement for the little things involves finding joy in everyday moments. This practice of gratitude for small pleasures can contribute to a more positive overall outlook and an appreciation for the richness of life.

  •  Expressing excitement for big achievements or milestones is a natural way to celebrate success. It can provide a sense of accomplishment, boost confidence, and contribute to overall well-being.

  •  Being excited about both small and big things encourages a mindset of living in the present moment. It's a reminder to savour the experiences and find joy in the journey, rather than solely focusing on future goals.

  • Excitement is contagious, and sharing positive emotions with others can create a more uplifting and optimistic atmosphere in personal relationships and communities.


Remembering to experience excitement for both the little and big things in life is a practice that can contribute to a more vibrant and fulfilling existence. It encourages a positive perspective and a deeper appreciation for the richness of daily experiences.




The integration of words, thoughts, and feelings is a cohesive and interconnected nature to our inner experiences. This aligns with understanding that our mental and emotional states are intertwined and can influence our perceptions and experiences.


Your higher self acts as a link between one's desires and the Field of Infinite Possibilities. This is the higher, wiser aspect of ourselves that is more attuned to universal energies and possibilities. It's often seen as a source of guidance and intuition.


The Field of Infinite Possibilities is an unlimited realm of potential outcomes and experiences that can be tapped into through our thoughts, emotions, and intentions.


Transformation into Reality is a dynamic relationship between our inner world and the manifestation of physical reality.


Your Higher Self never judges you as it aligns with the higher aspect of self and is a compassionate and understanding force. It's often seen as a source of unconditional love and acceptance.



Everyone has ‘stuff’ that they’re dealing with. No one is exempt from challenges. The universe will only give you what you can handle. When you’re facing a tough challenge, say, “OK, I can handle this”, and visualise yourself handling it.


Acknowledging that everyone has their own set of challenges is a reminder of the shared human experience. It promotes empathy and understanding that difficulties are a natural part of life.


The universe only gives individuals what they can handle. It aligns with challenges, while difficult, can be opportunities for growth and development.


Imagining oneself successfully handling challenges can have a positive impact on confidence and the ability to cope with adversity. The mind-body connection is a key aspect of these practices. Positive thoughts and visualisations can influence emotions and physiological responses, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.


Challenges are viewed not just as obstacles but as opportunities for learning and growth. By approaching difficulties with a mindset of learning and adaptability, individuals may find deeper meaning in their experiences.


It's important to note that while these perspectives can be empowering and supportive, they are part of various belief systems, and individuals may interpret and apply them in different ways. Additionally, the complexity of life means that people's experiences with challenges vary, and support from others, professional assistance, or a combination of strategies may be necessary in facing difficult situations.


The more negatives you experience in life, the more positives you’ll experience. Life must balance; as such, there will always be something to be excited about.


To balance the negatives and positives suggests a dynamic interplay between contrasting elements in life. It's akin to appreciate light because we know darkness and value joy because we've experienced sorrow.


Life is having cycles and seasons, and within these cycles, there is a natural ebb and flow of experiences. Challenges may be followed by periods of growth and joy, creating a rhythm in the overall journey.


Experiencing negatives and overcoming challenges can contribute to personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. These experiences shape individuals and provide opportunities for learning and development.


There will always be something to be excited about reinforces the notion that life is a journey with ongoing possibilities. Anticipating positive experiences, even in the midst of challenges, can contribute to a more optimistic outlook.


Experiencing negatives can enhance one's appreciation for positive moments. The contrast between difficult times and moments of joy can amplify the gratitude and value attached to positive experiences.


If you’re emotionally charged, you may not see the excitement. Remember, any sort of emotion is creating your reality. What makes you excited? Whatever happens in your life, don’t label it, be excited about it.


Emotions can profoundly influence how individuals perceive and interpret their experiences. Positive emotions, such as excitement, can contribute to a more optimistic and fulfilling outlook on life.


Encouraging excitement about life, regardless of circumstances, underscores the power of cultivating a positive outlook. This doesn't negate the challenges one may face but suggests that a positive mindset can contribute to resilience and well-being.


It's important to note that individual experiences with emotions and perceptions can vary, and different individuals may resonate with or interpret these concepts in various ways based on their beliefs, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.


Forever moving


Your life is forever moving, and you’re its grand designer, so create a wonderful life for yourself now!


Life is forever moving is the dynamic and ever-changing nature of existence. This emphasises that life is a continuous journey with ongoing opportunities for growth and transformation.


While this perspective can inspire a sense of purpose and motivation, it's important to acknowledge that life is complex, and external factors can influence individual experiences. Additionally, personal agency exists within the context of social, economic, and cultural conditions. Nevertheless, the message encourages individuals to take an active role in shaping their lives with a positive and creative mindset.










