Mastering your breath is the inspiration of life. Your psyche and soma are interlinked, so your mind’s power is linked to your body's power.  Breath is considered a bridge between the mind and body, and consciously controlling and focusing on the breath can have profound effects on both mental and physical well-being.


The connection between mind and body is interconnected. "Psyche" refers to the mind, while "soma" refers to the body. Practices like mindfulness and meditation often emphasise the awareness of breath as a means to connect with the present moment, bridging the gap between mental and physical experiences.


Breath and life force are associated with the life force or vital energy. Controlling the breath is believed to influence the flow of this life force throughout the body. Techniques like pranayama in yoga focus on regulating and extending the breath to enhance vitality and overall well-being.


Mind-body harmony is mastering the breath, individuals aim to achieve a state of balance and harmony between the mind and body. This harmony contributes to a sense of peace, focus, and overall health.


Stress reduction is often promoted as a tool for stress reduction. Deep, slow breaths can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of the stress response.


Focusing on the breath can also be a form of meditation, promoting mental clarity, concentration, and heightened awareness. This, in turn, may enhance cognitive function and creative thinking.


Various practices, such as mindful movement, tai chi, and qigong, incorporate a focus on breath to enhance the mind-body connection. These practices often emphasise the integration of mental and physical aspects for overall well-being.


Scientific studies support the idea that controlled breathing can have positive effects on health, including improved cardiovascular function, reduced anxiety, and enhanced immune function.


Mastering the breath being the inspiration of life underscores the profound connection between the mind and body. Practices that focus on breath control are valued for their potential to promote holistic well-being and a deeper understanding of the self.





Your body relies on your breath to function, and your mind relies on the inspiration from your heart. The two are linked, so it inspires your motivation. It’s essential to maintain consistency in your daily routines. 


Your body relies on your breath to function. It aligns with the physiological reality that oxygen is crucial for cellular respiration and overall bodily functions. Breath provides the necessary oxygen for energy production in cells.


Practices such as meditation often emphasize the synchronization of breath and awareness of the heart centre to foster mental and emotional well-being.


These interlinked elements inspire motivation and is a holistic approach to well-being, involving both physiological and emotional aspects, which contribute to one's drive and enthusiasm for life.


Holistic well-being often involves recognising and nurturing the interconnected aspects of the body, breath, heart, and mind. This holistic approach may contribute to a more inspired and motivated life.


Consistency in daily routines is beneficial for mental health. Establishing positive habits, including those related to breathwork, exercise, and mindfulness, can contribute to a sense of routine and balance.


There is an intricate relationship between breath, heart, mind, and motivation. It encourages a holistic perspective on well-being and emphasizes the role of consistent daily routines in supporting overall health and motivation.


Enhancing and maintaining both aspects contributes to a more inspired and fulfilling journey. Physical and mental strength is important for not only physical fitness but also mental resilience. Both contribute to an individual's overall well-being.


Vitality often refers to a state of being full of life and energy. When the level of vitality corresponds to the level of inspiration it can impact one's motivation and zest for life.


An approach to well-being, recognising that physical and mental health are intertwined. Practices that promote both aspects, such as regular exercise, mindfulness, and a balanced lifestyle, are seen as valuable contributors to overall vitality.


There's an implication of a positive feedback loop – as you build and maintain physical and mental strength, you may experience increased vitality and inspiration, which, in turn, can motivate you to continue nurturing both aspects.


The mind-body connection is the condition of the body that can influence the state of the mind, and vice versa. This connection is a foundational principle in various wellness philosophies and practices.


Building and maintaining strength is an ongoing process. It's not just about short-term goals but about cultivating habits and practices that contribute to long-term physical and mental well-being.


It’s important to recognise and prioritise the importance of both physical and mental strength. The level of vitality is presented as a key factor influencing inspiration, promoting the idea that a balanced and resilient mind and body can positively impact one's overall life experience.



Maintaining a higher vitality level will keep you on a higher vibrational level. This means you should focus more intently on your nutrition, exercise and positive thoughts. 


The concept of "vibrational level" suggests that individuals operate at different energetic frequencies.


A balanced and nutritious diet is known to support overall health, energy levels, and mental well-being. Nutrient-dense foods can contribute to physical vitality.


Physical activity has numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy, and enhanced mood. Exercise is integral to maintaining and building physical strength and resilience.


Positive thinking can influence emotions, stress levels, and overall mental health. Maintaining a positive mindset is considered beneficial for overall vitality.


Individuals have an active role in shaping their well-being through conscious choices and thoughts.




Your life’s vitality comes from moderation in all seven areas of life -Spiritual, Social, Relationships, Physical, Vocational, Mental and Financial. All these areas will impact each other in some way or form.


Spiritual – This pertains to one's connection to a higher purpose or meaning in life. It can involve religious beliefs, mindfulness practices, or a sense of connection to the universe.


Social – Social well-being involves healthy interactions with others. This includes building and maintaining positive relationships, being part of a community, and experiencing a sense of belonging.


Relationships – This is a more specific aspect of social well-being, focusing on individual connections with family, friends, and romantic partners. Healthy relationships contribute significantly to overall life satisfaction.


Physical – Physical well-being involves taking care of your body through exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and other health-promoting behaviours. A healthy body can positively impact other areas of life.


Vocational – This refers to one's career or vocation. Having a fulfilling and satisfying work life can contribute to a sense of purpose and accomplishment.


Mental – Mental well-being involves maintaining cognitive health, managing stress, and fostering a positive mindset. Mental health is interconnected with other aspects of life.


Financial – Financial well-being involves managing money responsibly, having financial stability, and planning for the future. Financial stress can impact various areas of life, so maintaining balance in this area is crucial.


The interconnectedness of these areas is evident. For example, financial stress can affect mental well-being, and a lack of social connections can impact both mental and emotional health. Achieving moderation and balance in each area can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.





Generally, you’ll go about your daily activities and forget about taking note of your breathing. Controlling your breathing quietens your brain noise and transforms it into inner peace and harmony.  Healing occurs when you’re relaxed, so efficient daily performance can be activated. What relaxes you?


People often find relaxation in various activities, and what works can vary from person to person. Some common methods for relaxation include:

  • Mindful breathing is a component of many meditation practices. This can help in calming the mind and reducing stress.


  • Deliberate, slow, and deep breaths can activate the body's relaxation response and reduce feelings of tension.


  • Engaging in regular physical activity, whether it's a workout, yoga, or a nature walk, can help release built-up tension and promote relaxation.


·      Listening to calming music or sounds can have a soothing effect on the mind and body.


  • Being in natural environments has been shown to have positive effects on stress reduction and overall well-being.


  • Losing yourself to a good book or engaging in a hobby you enjoy can be a great way to unwind and take your mind off stressors.


  • Spending time with loved ones and building positive social connections can contribute to a sense of relaxation and happiness.


Individuals need to explore different methods and find what works best for them. Incorporating relaxation practices into daily life can have numerous benefits, not only for mental well-being but also for physical health.





When you’re in complete alignment with the universe, miracles happen. You attract magical opportunities for you to explore. It’s important to align your daily activities with your purpose by doing what you love. Or at least move in that direction, to do a little of what you love daily.


When you are in tune with your authentic self and values, you create a harmonious connection with the universe or a higher power. This alignment opens the door to positive energies and opportunities.


When you are in a state of alignment, you are more open to receiving unexpected and positive experiences or opportunities. This is referred to as attracting abundance.


Aligning your daily activities with your purpose involves identifying and pursuing activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. This can contribute to a more meaningful and satisfying life.


Engaging in activities that you love or that resonate with your passions is a way to enhance well-being. Even small daily actions aligned with your interests can contribute to a sense of purpose and satisfaction.


Moving in the direction of what you love or aligning with your purpose often involves personal and professional development. Continuous growth and learning are considered integral to this journey.


The more you’re inspired in your daily actions; your vitality will also be abundant.  When you centre your breathing, you open the channel of life’s vitality through inhalations and exhalations. 


Have you ever noticed that when you feel tired and someone asks you to do something that’s either exciting or important to you, you suddenly feel vibrant and energetic?  Several psychological factors contribute to this phenomenon.


Tasks that are inherently interesting or personally meaningful can trigger intrinsic motivation. When individuals are motivated by internal factors such as enjoyment or a sense of purpose, they are more likely to feel energised.


Exciting or important activities often evoke positive emotions, which can counteract feelings of tiredness. Positive emotions have been linked to increased energy levels and overall well-being.


Engaging in tasks that are exciting or important tends to increase focus and concentration. This heightened attention can lead to a perception of increased energy and vitality.


Tasks perceived as exciting or important can activate the brain and central nervous system, leading to a state of increased alertness and arousal.


Engaging in activities aligning with one's values or purpose can provide a sense of fulfillment and drive, contributing to a more energetic state.


It's important to recognise that individual responses to tasks can vary, and what energises one person may not have the same effect on another. Additionally, there are limits to the extent to which positive emotions and motivation can override physical fatigue. Balancing rest and rejuvenation with engaging and meaningful activities is crucial for overall well-being.


The inspiration from your soul gives you life. You’re blessed with a physical body. This is your vehicle to explore the physical realm. Your mind allows you to plan your life and look after your magical vehicle.  This is a package deal that’s all linked.


It encourages individuals to consider their well-being from a comprehensive standpoint, addressing not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.





Aligning Life Values